Monday, December 20, 2010

Odds and Ends

Have been a nervous wreck the last 2 weeks, because of our trip to Madras in a few minutes :-) Lots of poor planning, and so many unfinished things :-(...Wanted to (i) scan old photos that I found lying around in envelopes at home, (ii) convert Perippa's tape collection to mp3, (iii) help with Kalpagam Mami's notebook typing etc.  etc. All remain undone (well, partially done) !!  Also wanted to update the blog many many times, but never got to it. Most times i sat down to compose a long post on Manimma's samayal (after what Raja Anna, Pushpa, Meera, Aarthi Rajiv etc had said, and also after several days of excellent cooking by Vidya), but then after some initial typing, the project was discontinued. Will take up that topic when I get back from India, but wanted to post something before we left..Will also remind myself to get recipes from Chitti that both Chitti and Manimma shared, and post them here..

Our primary purpose for visiting this time is Chitappa's 81st birthday, which will be observed with a get-together of family/friends (Manimma so much loved this when it was done for her birthday)
Anyway, am looking forward to the day. Tried to prepare an invitation (shamelessly copied from the web), and is attached below..
Will work on Perippa's tape-to-mp3 conversion, Kalpagam Mami's notations etc from Madras. Was very happy that Rajiv helped with this process, and typed up one of my favourite kritis : gauri girirajakumari  (also see this) Some partial scans (very interesting !) that I have been working on are attached below

Jambu, Chinnanni, ManiPerippa and Appa - SBGroup, July1954


Outside WhiteHouse, Washington DC, 07Feb1961
Telco Mess Committee
Picnic - Rajgir, Nalanda, Gaya - Jan1979
Pithukuli Murugadas, K3-52, Jamshedpur
More to come later :-) We are off to LA in a few minutes, and will update the blog after Pongal.