Tuesday, July 31, 2012

பாட்டு புத்தகம் - ராக லக்ஷணங்கள்

Hard to believe that it is now two years to the date since Manimma passed away.

Manimma took a lot of interest in our music, and made sure in the initial days (of your starting learning music) that we practise regularly. Later on, i think she realised that she was fighting a losing battle and gave up :-(

In any case, when she last saw Vidya, she gave her some of her music related books. Attached below is one page from the book on Instruments by  Prof. Sambamoorthy, published in 1931.

Catalogue of the Musical Instruments
exhibited in the Government Museum Madras
Prof P. Sambamoorthy, April 1931.

We also got her notebook on Raga Lakshanas from her student days at the Teacher's College of Music. The book is interesting just for the cover :-) A few pages from the book, including front and back covers,  and a Table of Contents (TOC) that was created after Manimma started with the actual (text) material (on Todi), and then changed her mind to include the TOC, and then started again with the Todi piece, are attached below. The entire book is available with me as a PDF ebook.

Front Cover, SS Stores Notebook
Back Cover

Raga Lakshana Sangraham, starting with Todi
writing style reminds me of Kalpagam Mami's notebook

Manimma changes her mind (?) and decided to add a TOC
Book starts with Todi again (rewritten) after TOC
Last but one page,
not sure if this is from sārangadeva's saṁgīta ratnākara
Last page, with this, Manimma's notebook ends.

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