Friday, November 13, 2020

தீபாவளி 2020 நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்


diwali wishes 2020: Happy Deepavali 2020: சர்ப்ரைஸ் கொடுத்த தமிழக அரசியல்  தலைவர்கள்! - tamil nadu political leaders diwali 2020 wishes to all tamil  people | Samayam Tamil 

 காமாக்ஷி சரணம் என்னும் இருளகற்றும் தீபம்

विनम्राणां चेतोभवनवलभीसीम्नि चरण-
प्रदीपे प्राकाश्यं दधति तव निर्धूततमसि ।
असीमा कामाक्षि स्वयमलघुदुष्कर्मलहरी
विघूर्णन्ती शान्तिं शलभपरिपाटीव भजते ॥

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Varalakshmi Vratam - 6

Last year, for Varalakshmi Vratam,

I posted a set of 5 books related to the puja that I got from Besant Nagar. I am happy to include scans of some of the texts, and also some scans from a lovely text published by Lifco (the Little Flower Co.), printed at Prabha Press, Lake View Road (!), for the grand price of 4 anna-s. !

The next book is the ஸௌபாக்கயலக்ஷ்மீ பூஜை published by one E. Parvati Ammal of Mandavelipaakkam.

As I mentioned in last year's post, in the preface (முகவுரை ), she writes:

    ... சாதாரணப் பெண்மணிகளும் இப்பூஜையில் ஈடுபடுவதால் அவர்களுக்கும் லக்ஷ்மி கடாக்ஷம் உண்டாகி இன்புற்று இருப்பார்கள் என்பது நிச்சயம். அதனால் சகல பெண்மணிகளுக்கும் லக்ஷ்மி கடாக்ஷம் சித்தி பெற இந்த சௌபாக்யலக்ஷ்மி பூஜை மிகவும் அவசியம் எனக் கருதியே இப்புத்தகம் எழுதலானேன் .....

    இந்த பூஜை செய்வதால் நிச்சயம் சர்வ மங்கள மாங்கல்யம் ஏற்படும்

 E. பார்வதி அம்மாள்

The next book in this set is the வரலக்ஷ்மி மங்களம் (பாட்டு) + பூஜாக்கிரமம், also by E. பார்வதி அம்மாள்

It contains a kriti on Lakshmi (no ragam and talam are mentioned) with the pallavi

லக்ஷ்மி ராவே மா இன்டிகி
ஸ்ரீ ராஜபுத்ரி வரலக்ஷ்மி ராவே மா இன்டிகி  

I had mentioned a few more texts, one of which (பூஜா விதானம்) I am unable to locate, and the other texts I am too tired/lazy to scan now. However, I am posting the Arathi in another text (वैभव लक्ष्मी व्रत) that has many sections/stories (in Hindi, incl. वैभवलक्ष्मी व्रत करने का नियम, वैभवलक्ष्मी व्रत की कथा , वैभवलक्ष्मी माँ के चमत्कार ), and concludes with

आरती भगवती महालक्ष्मी जी की !
ॐ जय लक्ष्मी माता॥

उमा, रमा, ब्रह्माणी, तुम ही जग-माता।

दुर्गा रुप निरंजनी, सुख सम्पत्ति दाता।

तुम पाताल-निवासिनि, तुम ही शुभदाता।

जिस घर में तुम रहतीं, सब सद्गुण आता।

तुम बिन यज्ञ न होवे, वस्त्र न कोई पाता।

महालक्ष्मीजी की आरती, जो कोई  नर गाता।

May Goddess Mahalakshmi/Varalakshmi dispel our (spiritual) poverty and confer all auspiciousness

शुभां हिरण्यप्राकारां समुद्रतनयां जयां |
नमामि मङ्गलांदेवीं विष्णुवक्षःस्थलस्थिताम् ‖

विष्णुपत्नीं प्रसन्नाक्षीं नारायणसमाश्रितां |
दारिद्र्यध्वंसिनींदेवीं सर्वोपद्रववारिणीम् ‖

नवदुर्गां महाकालीं ब्रह्मविष्णुशिवात्मिकां |
त्रिकालज्ञानसम्पन्नां नमामि भुवनेश्वरीम् ‖

Friday, July 24, 2020

சமைத்து பார் - மணம் கமழும் ரசம்

It has been a long long time since I updated the blog, and specifically the சமைத்து பார் series. I was encouraged to do so given that
  • Varalakshmi Vratam is fast approaching :-)
  • I happened to chance on a saved file from Chennai Online (published 26th April, 2004 !) on how to make Mysore rasam that was authored by a person called Jayam (which is maybe another reason for me to save it)
  • I remembered a video recording of my mother on how to make lemon rasam (see here for an older post on இரு புளி குழம்பு) that I am unfortunately unable to trace (I am sure it is on same hard drive somewhere; it was on my PC for long, but I see that it has been deleted when I tried to locate it there today, looking under several folders)
  • Over the last several months, with the almost virtual coronavirus lockdown,  Vidya has ramped up the number (sheer variety) of things she makes at home, and I will post some of those later..
In any case, on a previous trip to India, I came across several recipes that Manimma had jotted down under the  heading
"அறுசுவை அரசு" நடராஜன் எழுதியது 

Rather than type the entire recipe up, I have decided to simply paste the scan over here one at a time :-) (click on the images to view larger versions)